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The property subject to the intervention is located within the inhabited center of the Municipality of Cassine (AL), in Vicolo del torrione n° 1.

The property is located on the North-NorthEast limit of the historic town center of the Municipality of Cassine which coincides with the urban area at the lowest altitude at approximately +144 m above sea level.
The surrounding area is characterized by a high building density, mainly residential, which follows the road in the SE-NW direction coinciding with the roads of Via IV Marzo and Via Trotti. The main points of interest in the area are the Church of Santa Caterina located 70 m from the property; the Convent Complex of San Francesco (13th century) located 250 m adjacent to the Town Hall and the main square of the Municipality named after Vittorio Veneto; Palazzo Zoppi located at 460 m;

The property corresponds to a typically agricultural structure characteristic of the Lombardy and Piedmontese territory known as Cascina a corte. The main entrance introduces the user to a vaulted portico supported by brick pillars which overlooks a courtyard (SW side) while on the opposite side to the latter there is access to the building. The building consists of 2 floors above ground, plus a non-usable attic floor that can be reached directly via the stairwell, and a succession of underground cellars located at variable levels. The residential complex has a driveway at the head of Vicolo del Torrione which leads to the external area (NE and NW side) which has a second access to the ground floor of the building. The construction typology that makes up the building is based on a load-bearing perimeter wall and internal brick spine walls. The floors of the internal rooms rest on plastered brick vaults. The main façade is divided into two parts: the first, exposed brick, begins from the intersection between Via Mazzini and Vicolo del Torrione and is made up of the perimeter wall of the internal courtyard up to the entrance door, inserted in a stone frame with moldings surmounted by a brick arch; the second, plastered with a base in relief, the arches are exposed, like the brick platbands that overlook the NE and NW elevations.
Overlooking the external area on the NW front we find two balconies made up of stone slabs, supported by stone corbels, the first of minimal dimensions, the second, however, goes around the aforementioned elevation up to the SW front overlooking the entrance courtyard. The highest and most evocative view from the building is at the level of the attic where a small room leads to a balcony, embellished with a lowered pediment with brick volutes.

Illustration of the project status

Main works of the intervention in question:
- Construction of external perimeter insulation on the North and West elevations;
- Replacement of external windows and shutters;
- Replacement of existing boiler with new condensing boiler;
- Demolition of wooden roof structure, including roof covering
- Creation of a laminated wood roofing structure, including insulation
thermal and roof covering in tiles;
- Creation of internal partitions on the attic floor in order to define the rooms
Bedrooms, bathroom and closet