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© 2024 - 01architetti Architettura & Design

Middle school and Kindergarten 


Location: Genoa (GE)

Client: oundation Contubernio D'Albertis

Job: Building works related to the extension of the construction intended for school activity site in Genoa in Via Amarena 11A.

Date: 2006-2010 (design), 2010-in course (realization))

Amount: 1.750.000 €

Project: Architect A. Costanzo - Surveyor M. Garofalo

Collaborators: Architects C. Cassinelli, A. Cossu (rendering)

Contractor: Diambri Srl

Category (table z-1): E-20


Photo before the works <<< Rendering


The Foundation Contubernio D'Albertis for the deaf and dumb, owner of the real estate, located in Genoa - Hall III, where they are carried out several public services such as micro-nursery, kindergarten and elementary school and secured residence, to complete the training program also aimed to start a cycle of lower secondary school. by opening a new section.

For proper installation of the new activities, as well as for the improvement of existing services, it is planned to expand the body of the building located on the east, which has a rectangular structure in masonry and roof terrace, built in adherence to the Church owned by the same Foundation and connected by a covered walkway, on the front north of the Church itself, with the building principal place of business in fact mentioned.

The project has the goal to expand the building described above, through the extension of the same along the front on the north east and create a new stairwell and a dining hall that can be used if necessary also from the assets already in the plexus school.

The tables take up the architectural solution already exists with regard to the pace and size of the openings different plans. The type of decoration proposal is a "geometric" or tricroma, with presence of striped painting to stand, string courses / marcadavanzale and molded cornice. This solution incorporates, in a simplified manner and for similarity, the decorative typology "architectural relief" of the main body of the Contubernio d'Albertis.


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