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The real estate complex was built by the will of the Campodonico family who named it after lieutenant Angelo Campodonico, who died in 1917 fighting in the First World War, allocating it to the activity of a shelter for orphans. Its origin is therefore in all probability from date back to the early years of the 20th century; it initially consisted of a building located on the south side of the area and of a chapel connected to it where the lieutenant's tomb was built.

In 1923, as documented in the historical archive of the municipality of Genoa, the owner Annina Campodonico commissioned the engineer. Giuseppe Celle the project for the expansion of the complex, with the construction of a further building used as a refectory, located next to the chapel and symmetrical to the previous one.

The two main volumes, arranged on the sides of the central chapel, develop between floors above ground and
a basement. The façades of the two buildings are divided into a base (consisting of one plinth, bottom and architectural string course) and in an elevation area. The prospectus results very simple, devoid of other mouldings, except for the stone portal surmounted by gable molding that highlights the entrance on the ground floor; they are however still visible on a secondary elevation traces of the original geometric pictorial decoration (reproducing a
stone cladding) which presumably covered the entire fronts.
The buildings have a vertical structure in load-bearing masonry and a horizontal one in wood: the internal finishes are characterized by the extreme simplicity and decorum required by the absolute function.
The roofing of both buildings is made with a four-pitched roof with a load-bearing structure in wood and slate abbey cladding. The extreme austerity of the buildings intended for asylum-hospital they enhance the stylistic and formal richness of the small chapel. Located between the two volumes described above, it is connected to them by means of two passages located on the lateral sides, made up of supported walkways by small columns and closed, on the main façade, by windows. With a rectangular plan with a single nave, The chapel is characterized inside by walls with figurative and geometric pictorial decorations.
The back altar takes up the neo-Gothic stylistic features that characterize the entire complex.

Of notable interest are the original leaded windows of the side rose windows, as well as the wooden ceiling finely decorated coffers. Externally the vertical development of the facade is enhanced by the horizontal development of the two bodies of the nursery-refectory: a large porch surmounted by a small one pinnacle frames the entrance portal, located on the axis of symmetry of the facade.

It, characterized by the large inlaid rose window, ends in a high spire that functions as a bell tower; The references to the neo-Gothic style are clearly legible, however interpreted according to compositional choices of eclectic inspiration.