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© 2024 - 01architetti Architettura & Design

Cultural Heritage "Rolli di Genova"


Location: Genoa (GE)

Client: Condominium

Job:Conservative restoration of hall and stairwell of the building site in Genoa in Via del Campo 10.

Date: 2006 (design), 2007 (realization)

Amount: € 148,175

Project: Architects A. Costanzo, R. Navarra

Contractor: Mantelli 1948 ltd

Category (table z-1): E-22


<<< Photo before the works


The Palazzo Bartolomeo Invrea, building in Via del Campo 10 in the historic center of Genoa, is part of the buildings enrolled in the "Palazzi dei Rolli" and since 2006 the UNESCO.

The term "Rolli" were indicated, at the time of the ancient Republic, the lists of the palaces and mansions of the great noble families who wanted to host, on the basis of a public drawing, the high personalities in transit for state visits. In later times the same houses have hosted famous travelers that included Genoa in their Grand Tour of cultural and / or tourist - economic.

You do not know the year of establishment, but in the first roll is already registered in the name of Sylvester I. qm. Bartholomew (1576 seconds bussolo) until it reappears in Invrea Silvestro (1614 seconds bussolo); later in the same century it belongs to an Cybo prince of Massa.

In 1779 it bought the Ray which accorpano an entire block. During the work of "carrettiera Carlo Alberto" (now Via Antonio Gramsci), initiated in 1835, it is partly supported by the new bodies of shops and pimps but also raised and merged unit head in which converged the porch of Sottoripa the Dark.

After hosting "the hotel Four Nations", in 1871 he sold the brothers Chiappe that return the residential and transfer it to the family-Cellarius Minions.